Saturday, December 14, 2019

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Dinner at Bruce & Vera's

Hanging out and having a good time.

Just arrived

After a 3 hour delay, I finally arrived in Macedon. The weather is
great. Only 72 degrees right now

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

iPhone Thoughts

So, I have been living with this new very hyped Apple iPhone (also
known as The Jesus Phone) for three weeks now and think I can make a
few objective comments about it at this point. I am even making this
post directly to this blog via e-mail from it right now.

So far it has been a lot of fun to use, but there are a few lacking
features which may or may not be important to you depending on your
particular requirements. I will go into more detail on a few of the missing
features in future posts.

Overall Apple seems to have made at least a few revolutionary advances
in mobile phone technology which raises the bar for the competition.
Some of the advantages are harder to quantify and less tangible. For me,
purchasing the iPhone was more than getting a new phone, I was buying
into a philosophy of how we will interact with technology in the future
and how to more effectively integrate it into our lives and still have
time to actually have a life. There is a fine line between providing
useful, very customizable features, and over burdening the user with
too much complexity. Apple seems to get this and in the last few years
has been making significant progress in making great products. Apple
is building an infrastructure where the whole is greater than the sum
of the parts. As you read various reviews, especially the negative
ones, it is obvious that many do not get this and tend to obsess about
the lack of some feature that exists in the Super-Duper Acme T9000
phone so how dare anyone say the iPhone is an advancement in
technology. It is this more meta and often ignored aspect of the iPhone
ownership experience that I am going to talk about in some future posts.

For now... So long and good night.

Ponce Inlet Lighthouse

I've always loved this old lighthouse at Ponce Inlet. Some day I will
summon the energy to climb to the top and check out the view.

Mobile picture

OK. This is my first attempt to post a picture from my iPhone. This
has some exciting possibilities!

First mobile blog entry

Check it out

Sent from my iPhone...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hello World

First Post!

Daytona Blues